3 Reasons Why Not to Use Social Media When in a Family Court Custody Battle
The bottom line is: it’s just too risky and too potentially compromising of a social media account for me to use safely (with my real identity) because my ex is a narcissist. Can you relate? Even though I successfully negotiated with a narcissist and got everything I wanted in our new agreement (now court-ordered) by using skillful means, my memory of our 12-year U.S. family court battle (legal abuse), is still fresh in my mind. For me, in my situation, social media still holds too much risk for me to use safely with my real name and information. Why? Any of my data leaked into the narcissist and his lawyer’s hands could spell trouble! If you haven’t figured it out by now, narcissists are highly triggered and never happy with their lot in life. I teach moms how to “fly-under-the-narcissists-radar” and not become a blip (target) on their screen. In my experience, a personality disordered person is personality-disordered, and not worth upsetting in any way, shape or form. NOTE: I found a small exception to this. If my lawyer says he needs evidence and an example of the abuse, non-cooperation, or his true character for a hearing or trial to expose him to the judge, I tread carefully around the narcissist. SurThriver Tip: Make sure the narcissist isn’t doing this to you, right before a hearing or a trial—and getting you to put into writing all your thoughts, feelings, and rage. It has the potential to make us look bad even though it’s just a snapshot and we were probably provoked. Guard your thoughts and feelings. Get support and someone safe to vent to if you need to share your struggles and pain.