So, You Love an Alcoholic?: Lessons for a Codependent Book Wins a Silver Award!
SoYouLoveAnAlcoholic? Book Wins a Silver Award

Book Wins a Silver Award!

So, You Love an Alcoholic?: Lessons for a Codependent -Book Wins a Silver Living Now Award 2018

So, You Love an Alcoholic?: Lessons for a Codependent

Presented by,  Living Now Book Awards: “Books for Better Living”

Living Now Book Awards: Books for Better Living

Category: Relationships


From the author Grace W. Wroldson,

2018: “I am grateful to receive a Silver Award from Living Now Awards: Books for Better Living in the category of “Relationships/Marriage!” It is ironic how I worked so hard to fix my relationship with the alcoholic that I loved that I ended up shifting and correcting the unhealthy relationship with my codependent self. To make the changes I needed in this relationship, I embarked on a solid recovery/therapy program for twenty years to win my freedom from codependency and loving an alcoholic. Essentially, I saved the relationship with myself! It’s truly an honor to be among these authors that Living Now recognizes for exceptional life-changing books and their creators. I appreciate this recognition and hope that my book can change the face of the alcoholic-codependent relationship dilemma! 


Do You Love an Alcoholic? New Loving an Alcoholic Book Breaks Through to the Shelves

—Grace W. Wroldson, mother, author, survivor, and thriver of 5 self-help books available on Amazon

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Read my books:

  1. Co-Parenting with a Narcissist: 7 Self-Rules to Stay Sane (A Survivor’s Story)
  2. How-To Fight a Narcissist in Family Court and Win: Super-Smart Strategies for Success

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