Dealing with a Narcissist? 11 Reasons to Get a Family-Law Lawyer!

11 Reasons to Get a Family-Law Lawyer,

When Dealing with a Narcissist

My Get the Right Lawyer Guide!

For Family-Court Custody Battles with Narcissists
(When you buy it you also get my 20-Question Worksheet)

 (From a mom who has gone through it.)

By author Grace W. Wroldson
Book 1: Co-Parenting with a Narcissist: 7 Self-Rules to Stay Sane
Book 2: How To Fight a Narcissist In Family Court and Win
Book 3: Co-parenting with a Sociopath: Survival and Sanity Guide
Book 4: How To Survive a Custody Battle with a Narcissist: When the Family Courts Force You to Co-Parent
  • Do you have to go to family court with a narcissist to get child support established?
  • Are you in a high-conflict custody battle with a narcissist?
  • Do you need your parenting-plan, agreement, or divorce finalized (and court-ordered)?
  • Are you ready to appear before a judge, plead your case, and be judged as a parent?

If you are facing family court with a narcissist, I highly recommend obtaining (retaining) a family-law lawyer/attorney to represent your interests, wants, and advocate for you and your child/children. I must mention upfront that my experience through the family court system may not be the same as yours. I certainly hope yours is better than the struggle and suffering that I endured because you took the time to read my guide. Spare yourself some headaches and heartaches by learning from what I went through. Read on for my “survivor-wisdom.” Learn all you can because knowledge is power. *Read my “Full-Disclaimer” below.

(Watch FREE INTRO video via Youtube)

The Fundamental Need for a Lawyer 

Are you about to head into family court for the first time? Or are you in a lengthy custody battle with a narcissist? Feeling nervous, stressed, drained, tired and overwhelmed? Don’t go into this fight disempowered! You may (PROBABLY) need a lawyer. I wrote this guide for protective mothers who are forced to “co-parent” with a narcissist and/or are stuck in a high-conflict family court battle. Often, our child custody-cases are ONLY as good as our attorneys who know the “ins and outs” of family court. Skilled attorneys have litigated cases, have seen multiple/various outcomes, and often know what can be asked in certain situations. They can be an asset, an ally, and give us sound and wise advice. 

11 Reasons to Hire a Lawyer:

  1. It shows that as a concerned parent, you take your case seriously.
  2. It shows that you are responsible and will do what’s required for your child/case.
  3. It demonstrates you are a capable adult/parent who obtains help for special situations. 
  4. It protects your rights and interests as a parent.
  5. It protects your children’s rights and gives them representation, too.
  6. It offers you legal guidance for creating a comprehensive custody agreement. 
  7. It affords you the opportunity to get more items ordered that would otherwise be missed.
  8. It affords you the opportunity to hold the other party legally responsible to the contract.
  9. It can reduce stress and ease your mind as a litigant to be well-represented.
  10. It provides you with support and recourse. It can give you strength and can be a show of strength sometimes, putting a stop to the narcissist’s games, tricks, tactics, and trouble—and/or the continual unfairness narcissists tend to get away with. 
  11. It asserts your authority and empowers you.

TIP: The only place to get legal advice is from YOUR OWN lawyer who knows your family’s background, all the facts, the whole history, and the specific details of your case. Social media is not the place to get specific legal advice. Just as talking to an attorney for only 30 minutes once… is also not the place to develop a solid strategy. Note: You will need more than one strategy running at the same time. There is more to obtaining a lawyer’s help—there’s creating strategies. Having the right lawyer can empower you to protect yourself and your children (and their rights). Empowering ourselves is our job. Getting representation can make us stronger and more confident, especially in controlling our lives and claiming our rights. The bottom line is… When dealing with the law, we have a fundamental need for a lawyer.* Or at least, constant legal advice from a qualified lawyer. It may be completely irresponsible not to do initial legal consultations (ahead of time) to at least identify lawyers who can help if/when the time comes. 

DO: Take your time making the selection of what attorney will be best for you in the given circumstances. Be mindful, careful, and cautious. Do this with considerable thought. I can’t tell you how many moms get discouraged after obtaining bad representation and being billed above their ability to pay. This problem, added to a narcissistic ex’s post-separation abuse and child abuse, sometimes becomes unbearable. Self-preservation is a must!

Let me ask you…

  • Do you have rights?
  • Do you know your rights?
  • Does your child have rights?
  • What are they?
  • Do you know what your state’s “best interest factors” are?

Q: Who is best to answer these questions for you? =  Answer: A top, family-law lawyer. 

(Buy my guide to read more.)

Get my Get The Right Lawyer Guide! here!

Welcome to my work. I aim to be a light in the darkness of this dilemma. If you are ready to learn, I am ready to teach. I write for moms who are forced to co-parent with narcissists and stuck in high-conflict, custody battles. If this is you, you don’t have to feel so alone! My books can validate what you may be experiencing, and give you creative ways to improve your co-parenting conditions. I include all my tips, tools, and strategies for moms to grab onto in my books.
You see… there are healthy attitudes to adopt, mindsets to make solid, sanity to hold onto, as well as, beneficial perspectives to take that can really help us endure this dilemma and survive a custody battle.
Learn all that you can because knowledge is power. Be prepared with survivor wisdom. My goal is to leave you with tidbits of wisdom with lots of encouragement. Know that you can endure and be resilient. Believe in yourself. Remember to learn the valuable lessons in this and come out smarter and stronger than before!
*Suggestion: Read (or listen) to my book series in the order written 1-4 for a full understanding of my true, survivor-story.
Book 1: Co-Parenting with a Narcissist: 7 Self-Rules to Stay Sane
Book 2: How To Fight a Narcissist In Family Court and Win
Book 3: Co-parenting with a Sociopath: Survival and Sanity Guide
Book 4: How To Survive a Custody Battle with a Narcissist: When the Family Courts Force You to Co-Parent
Available at Amazon

May you learn, heal, & out-grow the narcissist!

xo- Grace

GraceWroldson Author and Coach

Grace Wroldson – Author and Coach

Grace W. Wroldson, is a narcissistic abuse survivor, mother, author, life coach, and strategy partner with moms forced to co-parent with a narcissist and/or stuck in high-conflict custody battles. She endured 12 years of family court litigation, post-separation abuse, and legal abuse before using her “SkillfulMeans Method” to neutralize and navigate the narcissist. She won her parenting rights back in family court using a better family-law attorney. Today Grace thrives in peace with her child. Pick up any of her 4 books available at Amazon and some on Audible. Her mission is to see protection and peace for children of narcissistic fathers by supporting protective-mothers to be smart, get/stay stable, find support, think/use strategy, and maintain their sanity in the midst of a personality-disordered narcissist’s insanity.

Disclaimer: These are helpful tips based solely on the author’s thoughts and opinions. The author is not a qualified mental health professional, not a lawyer, not a professional of family court, nor a crisis caseworker. She cannot give legal advice or appropriate counsel and is therefore not liable for any injury or harm. Please follow your doctor’s, therapist’s, counselor’s, and lawyer’s advice, as well as your own good common sense and intuition based on your unique case—to see if these tips could be helpful. Child custody situations may vary where some of these will not be applicable for your circumstance. Furthermore, court orders may dictate otherwise. Please use your own good judgment when watching this video or reading this document. This is for personal Self-Help only. These were created from the author’s own lived experience and not based on any laws or rules of the courts. This is copyright-protected by the author and is not to be sold, distributed, or quoted without the author’s written consent.

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